无尽的爱 / Endless Love
词曲 Lyricist & Composer:张家绮 Angela Chang、刘淑莉 Lily Liu、郑淯心 Amy Cheng、洪以琳 Elim Hung、吴宇婕 Christine Wu
中译英:宋怡萌 Joy Sung
主领 Worship Leader:谢思颖 Panay Isak
听见祢 温柔声音
Hear Your voice, so gently speak
挪去我 所有恐惧
Banishing all fear in me
黑暗中 祢呼唤我走向祢
In the dark, calling me to come to You
Open my heart
过去我 风闻有祢
Only heard of You before
如今却 亲眼见祢
Now I meet You face to face
我决定 不再倚靠我自己
From now on, I won’t lean on my own strength
My life is for You
在我身旁 没离开过
Never left me, You’re by my side
Always protecting me
祢无尽的爱 拥抱我
How Your endless love holds me close
虽跌倒软弱 仍爱我
Even though I fall, You love me
在祢眼中看见 真实(全新)的我
You see me through Your eyes, the core of me (a brand new me)
䆁放 我自由
And set me free
祢牺牲的爱 拯救我
Love that sacrificed, saving me
用钉痕述说 不放手
Scars that show that You won’t let go
在祢眼中看见 真实(全新)的我
You see me through Your eyes, the core of me (a brand new me)
祢是 全所有
You are everything